API Week 2: Setting up the Bibliography API

by Lars Willighagen


Deliverable: Functional internal Bibliography API

Week Summary

This week I had more discussions on how to call external scripts. Work is being done on a Redis system which may apply. However, for now I went with a temporary but functional solution. Additionally, I made routes to resolve P-, Q- and S-numbers, corresponding to CDLI artifacts, composites and seal numbers respectively.

Regarding this weeks deliverable, the internal Bibliography API is functional now, for both artifacts and publications.

Next week, I will be working on making a public version of the API, write documentation on how to use the ScriptsHelper for APIs, and update BibTeX support.

The deliverable of the week after (W4) is actually already finished in the new database schema. This is good news because I have exams that week.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Mon 2020/06/08
2 Tue 2020/06/09
3 Wed 2020/06/10 Mentor meeting: planning this and next week
4 Thu 2020/06/11 Demonstrate link between CakePHP and Citation.js
5 Fri 2020/06/12
6 Sat 2020/06/13 Reviewing merge requests
7 Sun 2020/06/14 Make routes for resolving IDs; add reference formatting for publications