Week 1

by Ajit Jadhav


Week Summary

Started with working on all the link features for relationships between artifacts, publications and authors data. Completed all the different features required and opened a merge request !116 for the work. At the end of the week, most of the work has been completed although the pages for managing publications data is left. Next week I’ll be covering this as well as the next week’s work along with getting this week’s work merged by making the suggested changes.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/06/01 New design and interface for linking artifacts through publications.
2 Tuesday 2020/06/02 Completed link artifacts through publications page.
3 Wednesday 2020/06/03 Added additional list interface (’/admin/artifacts_publications’) for viewing all links and linking any artifact to any publication.
4 Thursday 2020/06/04 Completed link publications through artifacts page.
5 Friday 2020/06/05 Added additional list interface (’/admin/authors_publications’) for viewing all links and linking any author to any publication. Completed link publications through authors page.
6 Saturday 2020/06/06 Completed link artifacts through publications page. Bug fixes for the all the linking authors and publications interfaces. Started work on adjusting all created pages according to the updated database structure.
7 Sunday 2020/06/07 Completed conversion to modified database. Testing and fixing all features with clean data.