Week 4

by Ajit


Week Summary

Made a number of changes to bulk upload artifacts-publications features and got it merged. Also, improved the BulkUpload components for easier use for other developers. It can now handle bulk upload for all the tables. Thought it can’t save associated tables data, this will be possible when I make changes while working on publications data bulk upload (it requires saving publications data along with saving associated authors and editors).

Completed the publications data pages. Also, decided to redesign the working of authors-publications and editor-publications features to integrate them directly into the publications data add and edit pages. Will be working on this later when the necessary components are available from other PRs.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/06/22 Improvements to pubilcations data pages (still need to make few changes like warning for req fields (from entry_types table), generate bibtexkey field).
2 Tuesday 2020/06/23 Improvements to artifacts-publications feature. (Based on suggestion on !136).
3 Wednesday 2020/06/24 Improvements to artifacts-publications feature. (Based on suggestion on !136).
4 Thursday 2020/06/25 Improvements to artifacts-publications feautre based on suggestions from mentors.
5 Friday 2020/06/26 (Travelling out of town)
6 Saturday 2020/06/27 Completed bulk upload for authors-publications and editors-publications links. Improvements to Bulk Upload Component for better usability.
7 Sunday 2020/06/28 Improvements to artifacts-publications features as per issue #274