design_integration Eval#1 Week#1

by Samarth


Week Summary

For the first week I started out with the side navigation bar. Initially I only made a JS based version of it, later on I was instructed to also add in support for people that have disabled JS so I added a NO-script fallback for the same. Midway I made the PR and did fixes on layout.ctp(core layout of every page in the framework) and proceeded with minor adjustments in search page

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/06/01 Added the sidebar for small screens and updated Home page for all screens
2 Tuesday 2020/06/02 Fine tune the styles of home and sidebar drawer. Added Implementation quicknotes for home page
3 Wednesday 2020/06/03 Made a PR for work done before & Added markup on top section of search page
4 Thursday 2020/06/04 Updated Search bar, Onclick add search cateogry, pagination controls and a no JS modal
5 Friday 2020/06/05 Reverted to BS4 modal due to poor UX, Resolved thread on previous PR
6 Saturday 2020/06/06 Worked on issues regarding PR
7 Sunday 2020/06/07