design_integration Eval#1 Week#2

by Samarth


Week Summary

Second week arrives now I see that some pages are loaded with content, my mentors already thought of this issue and suggested adding a scroll to top helper. PR was made for the same, afterwards I started working on the results section of the search page. The table layout was very challenging fixing certain portions of the table while the rest are scrollable was one of the things that I struggled with. Towards the end I found some solutions for the deadlocks that I was facing and relevant issues and PR’s were made

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/06/08 Created an issue of scroll to top button, completed table and card layout for search page.
2 Tuesday 2020/06/09 Enhancement of various components such as add search, filter side block etc. Add a timer on /twofactor page. Updated scroll to top into a custom helper
3 Wednesday 2020/06/10 Fill in gaps for mobile and tablet screens of search page. Reduce use of JS inside Search
4 Thursday 2020/06/11 Worked on issues #50 , #51 and #238(partially)
5 Friday 2020/06/12
6 Saturday 2020/06/13 Updated user profile page and made a PR to add toggle switches inside it
7 Sunday 2020/06/14 Fixed uneven images size on home page opened a WIP Merge request for search results page