design_integration Eval#2 Week#6

by Samarth


Week Summary

Already done with the advance search page I noticed that the layout of search settings was similar to that of advance search. So, I quickly finished the markup portion, with me fairly ahead of the schedule I incorporated the accessibility work within this week

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/07/06 Ported missing styles into the stylesheets and added a basic skeleton for search settings page
2 Tuesday 2020/07/07 Checkboxes and relevant fields added in search settings page, fixed alignment of form elements.
3 Wednesday 2020/07/08 Added radio buttons on search settings page and resolved lint issues
4 Thursday 2020/07/09
5 Friday 2020/07/10
6 Saturday 2020/07/11 Fixed markup on desktop layout and rectified issues on the stylesheet for desktop and mobile layout
7 Sunday 2020/07/12 Update layout for export options on Objects page and accessibility changes