design_integration Eval#3 Week#10

by Samarth


Week Summary

One of my fellow teammates suggested that I should replace custom markup with in built helpers so that connecting backend portion of the framework with the frontend becomes easier. Generated design for the browse page and implemented a prototype for the same

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/08/03 Replaced html with built in helpers on search settings and advanced search
2 Tuesday 2020/08/04 Disassembeled previous layout and used cards on browse
3 Wednesday 2020/08/05
4 Thursday 2020/08/06
5 Friday 2020/08/07 Removed labels for visalisation block on advance search on first load
6 Saturday 2020/08/08 Added in horizontal card layout for space optimization on browse
7 Sunday 2020/08/09 Generated helper for horizontal layout and closed unwanted issues marked “frontend” or “ux & design”