journals Eval#3

by Nisheal



I’ve successfully finished all the deliverables of the project. It was challenging at all the instances but I managed to tackle all of it. It was a great experience and I’m looking forward to contributing more to CDLI

Essential Objectives

# Objectives Status Associated Deliverables issue(s)
1 Article CRUD Complete Feature for editors to CRUD different types of articles. #265
2 Article Conversion Complete Backend to convert the editor’s uploaded article to CDLI Standards for display. #267
3 Article Display Complete Display all the articles at their respective pages and indiviual view for each article. #266
4 Schema Migration Complete Make necessary changes to the schema for journals dashboard.
5 Article Migration Complete Move old & archived articles to the new architecture.
6 Testing Complete Implement necessary testing for the project and sync with CI/CD.

Additional Objectives

# Objectives Associated Deliverables issue(s)
1 Improvements to CI/CD Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines
2 Initalize unit testing Framework Testing

Learning and Success

After working on this project I’ve learned a lot in CICD, BTree parsing, regex, docker, latex and writing tests. .


I was completely new to the latex conversions making a new converter and parser from scratch was challenging.