numerals Eval#1 Week#2

by Logan


Week Summary


Commodity ID

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2020/06/01 Setup APIs online for access by other groups. Endpoint at Added API documentation.
2 Tuesday 2020/06/02 Wordnet: better filtering of word senses; start to filter by broad hypernym categories.
3 Wednesday 2020/06/03 Restructured API responses. Ported API documentation to swagger. Evaluated wordnet performance on the most frequent words in the corpus.
4 Thursday 2020/06/04 Check coverage of wordnet rules. Meeting. Share API instructions and questions with Jacob. Add negative rules to exclude persons from commodity counts.
5 Friday 2020/06/05 Extract test cases from parallel data (for both numerals and commodities). Fix segmentation of area measures around the token GAN2. Fix segmentation of all values around la2. Implement and test conversion for subtraction written using la2. Extra tests revealed issues in Dry Capacity conversion, on schedule to be fixed next week.
6 Saturday 2020/06/06
7 Sunday 2020/06/07