Week 4

by Mustafa Dhar


Week Summary


Best week ever, this is week 4 of Evaluation 1 and I am done with 50% of the objectives for GSOC’21. It includes :

:point_right: Renadering 3D Models for CDLI data base.

:point_right: Easy to navigation feature between Artifact view and 3D Viewer with associated cuneiform tablets.

This week was full of new learnings and errors coming up with every change in code but at last, all things come up good. :sparkles:

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/06/28 :octocat: Researched how is 3D data stored in the CDLI server and how it can be accessed.
2 Tuesday 2021/06/29 :octocat: Mounted the ’ dl ’ folder in webroot for testing and inserted all testing 3D data in ’ vcmodels ’ inside ’ dl ’ of the ’ webroot ’ folder.
3 Wednesday 2021/06/30 :octocat: Edited 3D viewer path for loading 3D data to ’ vcmodels ’.
4 Thursday 2021/07/01 :octocat: Added link for 3D Viewer with associated 3D Model in artifact view.
5 Friday 2021/07/02 :octocat: Added condition to display “ View in 3D “ link only when 3D data is available inside vcmodels for a particular model.
6 Saturday 2021/07/03 :octocat: Added link in 3D Viewer for artifact view of the loaded model.
7 Sunday 2021/07/04