Week 5

by Mustafa Dhar


Week Summary


This week is the last week of the first evaluation where I have focused mainly on testing and debugging of 3Dviewer. for that formalized 3Dviewer URL according to CakePHP best practices of the MVC framework.

Apart from that also made documentation for 3Dviewer development.

With all the uncertain issues and challenges got completed all planned work for week 5

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/07/05 :octocat: Made code in 3Dviewer branch ready to be merged.
2 Tuesday 2021/07/06 :octocat: Solved conflicts in merge-request 318.
3 Wednesday 2021/07/07 :octocat: Tested for any bug or update.
4 Thursday 2021/07/08 :octocat: Formalized 3D viewer URL according to cake best practices.
5 Friday 2021/07/09 :octocat: Opened merge request for adding documentation for 3Dviewer.
6 Saturday 2021/07/10 :octocat: Added Structure of 3Dviewer Documentation.
7 Sunday 2021/07/11