Week 7

by Mustafa Dhar


Week Summary

This week started pretty relaxingly as I have found a solution for the past week’s issue.

Added a link for viewing envelop 3D model if it exists for a particular cuneiform artifact model, and it solved the issue of viewing envelop 3D model.

Also, a basic damping effect was added in 3Dviewer interactions to get a real-world feeling of torque and friction while interacting and rotating the model in 3D viewer. 

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/07/19 :octocat: Added code to find if envelop data is available for a particular artifact.
2 Tuesday 2021/07/20 :octocat: Added link for view envelops 3D model if 3D data is found for that envelop 3D model.
3 Wednesday 2021/07/21 :octocat: Edited arcball.js for damping effect while interacting with the 3D viewer.
4 Thursday 2021/07/22 :octocat: Edited arcball.js for damping effect while interacting with the 3D viewer.
5 Friday 2021/07/23 :octocat: Added update function to arcball.js for adding damping effect.
6 Saturday 2021/07/24 :octocat: Update function called outside animate function to change every frame of interaction.
7 Sunday 2021/07/25