Week 2

by Yashraj Desai


Week Summary

Namaste 🙏 ,
Welcome to my second week blog of GSoC’21 !

What did you do this week?

This week, I created and optimised PR !317 for fuzzy Id’s and keywords field, after thorough testing and feedback from mentors. I also had discussions over “Enabling search incsriptions with sign value permutation” obejctive with mentors. I researched and studied jtf-signlist along with jtf-lib and jtf. I learned about jsonPath query which would be used to extract data from JSON.

What is coming up next?

Next week, I will try to implement primitive version of “Enabling search incsriptions with sign value permutation” objective by indexing the jtf-data and coding elasticsearch queries for the same.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Yes, I had doubts regarding jtf-data and jtf-lib. My amazing mentors provided me with test data to work around which made things clearer to me.

Issues :

  1. Closed or worked related to:
  2. Opened: No new issue opened during this week.

Pull Request :

  1. Merged/Under review:
  2. Reviewed: No PR reviewed during this week.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/06/14 Created PR !317 for fuzzy Id’s and keywords field.
2 Tuesday 2021/06/15 Researched about jtf data and jtf-lib and discussed objective-3 approach with mentors.
3 Wednesday 2021/06/16 Improved and optimised performance of PR !317 according to mentor’s suggestions.
4 Thursday 2021/06/17 Discussed project dependency with Vishv for saving jtf-data in database.
5 Friday 2021/06/18 Researched about jsonPath query for extracting data from JSON.
6 Saturday 2021/06/19
7 Sunday 2021/06/20 Tested jsonPath query on jtf-data to extract sign-values from it.