Week 8

by Yashraj Desai


Week Summary

Namaste 🙏 ,
Welcome to my eighth week blog of GSoC’21 !

What did you do this week?

This week I worked on managing images access by individual images according to the access of Images table and completed it. I also worked on enabling search inscriptions with sign-value permutations objective and completed it’s front-end part.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Yes, I wasn’t able to get response from jtf-lib API within the container. I then discussed it with my mentors and got it resolved.

Issues :

Pull Request :

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/08/02 Planned logic for image-wise access.
2 Tuesday 2021/08/03 Created seperate images index from images table.
3 Wednesday 2021/08/04 Added Elasticsearch queries in backend.
4 Thursday 2021/08/05 Tested image-wise access with different configurations.
5 Friday 2021/08/06
6 Saturday 2021/08/07 Added front-end logic for inscriptions with sign value permutation.
7 Sunday 2021/08/08