Week 6

by Apoorva Agarwal


Week Summary

Hola, initially this week I tetsed the ojs APIs to integrate it in cdli framework to add data from ojs to cdli and worked on creating nginx configuration by changing the base_url in ojs configuration. By the end of this week, I started working on Fixing journal article web view I started implementing Somil’s Design for single article web view and went through the latex conversion code written by Nisheal. We even decided to switch to use direct database configuration method and to ojs tables models for sharing data between ojs and cdli journals dashbaord.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/07/19 Tested ojs APIs
2 Tuesday 2021/07/20 Setup authorization in ojs_apis
3 Wednesday 2021/07/21 Set up base_urls in ojs conf file
4 Thursday 2021/07/22 Decided to go with direct ojs database conf method
5 Friday 2021/07/23
6 Saturday 2021/07/24 Understand the journals latex conversion code
7 Sunday 2021/07/25 Redesign the single article web view