Week 9

by Apoorva Agarwal


Week Summary

Hola, this week I completed implementing review page design with navtabs on single article web view. I created relations between ojs models in cdli framework and displayed reviewers endorsements on a route for each ojs submission. Later in the week, I researched about writing commands and created a function to move ojs submissions to cdli journals dashboard once they are reviewed. I created command script move_ojs_to_cdli in cake and run that function created to move ojs submissions to cdli in command and used it to create new entity in articles table in cdli database.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/08/09 Wrote scss and javascript to implement review page design
2 Tuesday 2021/08/10 Created relations between ojs models
3 Wednesday 2021/08/11 Using ojs model relations, displayed reviewers endorsement on a route for each submission
4 Thursday 2021/08/12 Researched about writting command in cakephp
5 Friday 2021/08/13 Created function to add data from ojs to cdli table
6 Saturday 2021/08/14 Created command script(move_ojs_to_cdli) to move ojs submissions to cdli automatically
7 Sunday 2021/08/15 Made changes to single article view suggested by emilie