Week 3

by Vishv Kakadiya


Week Summary

Initially I have tried to creating virtual directories for uqnu basically configured reverse proxy in nginx server to serve all the content on framework/uqnu/ but ran into static path issues. Then after spending a day into that I fixed that and created virtual directory for uqnu.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/06/21 Meeting with mentors regarding JTF data
2 Tuesday 2021/06/22 Tried solving static files relative path of reverse proxy
3 Wednesday 2021/06/23 Resolved static path issue and worked on uqnu
4 Thursday YYYY/MM/DD Research about how we can fetch atf data through URL in uqnu and had meeting with mentorregarding this
5 Friday YYYY/MM/DD Get The API and Implement in uqnu
6 Saturday YYYY/MM/DD Stuck in CORS error
7 Sunday YYYY/MM/DD -