Eval 2

by Himanshu Choudhary



The final integrated rule based pipeline is set up to translate from sumerian to english. The Phrase Based Machine Translation for Sumerian-English can be found here -

The Rule based engine is comprised of data from -

Further details regarding the project, setup, preprocessing and details regarding NMT vs Rule Based engine can be found in apertium-sux-eng repo as mentioned above.

The evaluation is done using the BLEU metric on the dev set as mentioned above -

Machine Translation System Mean Median
rule based 19.156 20.4517
neural network 18.868 6.881

The mean and median scores for both Rule Based and NMT Engine
with weightage of (0.75,0.25,0,0) over n-grams

Objectives and Deliverables

# Objectives Associated Deliverables
1 updateding transfer rules and SVO reordering, sumerian to english the final compact updated Transfer rules with and post processing if required
2 Integrated pipeline and NMT Comparision Developing a notebook interface to try out both Neural network and Rule based engine for (sentence or file), with comparison

Learning and Success


Plan update