Week 2

by Utkarsh Tiwari


Week Summary

Week Work summary goes here

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/06/20 Designed the citation bottom menu
2 Tuesday 2022/06/21 Added code for the tabs without using js only using CSS
3 Wednesday 2022/06/22 Added JS code for Copy to ClipBoard button which changes to copies when the user clicks on it for a few seconds and then reverts back
4 Thursday 2022/06/23 Added code for NoJs such that the citation button on the right disapperars
5 Friday 2022/06/24 Added JS code such that the button disappears when the user scrolls down to the bottom of the page
6 Saturday 2022/06/25 Added the backend code for downloading the citation in form of BibTex or RIS
7 Sunday 2022/06/26