Week 5

by Chidiebere


Week Summary

Week Work summary goes here

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/07/11 Discussion with my mentor regarding the status of my progress.
2 Tuesday 2022/07/12 Reviewed a PR I was mentioned in by @epp (mentor) and provided feedback. While working on setting up the form fields, and FE layout for the upload data-credits page
3 Wednesday 2022/07/13 Completed the FE(FrontEnd) for uploads data credits page. Writing the controller logic
4 Thursday 2022/07/14 Almost completed saving data to database. Issue at hand was trying to save image details in the images table and have the association id saved in data credits table
5 Friday 2022/07/15
6 Saturday 2022/07/16
7 Sunday 2022/07/17