Week 9

by Chidiebere


Week Summary

Week Work summary goes here

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/08/08 Updating model, controllers and table for data-credits edit page
2 Tuesday 2022/08/09
3 Wednesday 2022/08/10 CDLI Weekly Meetup. Updated mentor on my progress
4 Thursday 2022/08/11 Made a commit for a more fine tuned edit form
5 Friday 2022/08/12 added the option to get the photo and basic metadata of the artifact to edit the data-credit and adjusted ui for datacredit details on the data-credit edit page
6 Saturday 2022/08/13 Trying to pull the image on the edit page for users to be able to see the image they are trying to edit
7 Sunday 2022/08/14