Week 11

by Chidiebere


Week Summary

Week Work summary goes here

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/08/22
2 Tuesday 2022/08/23 Fixing linting issues
3 Wednesday 2022/08/24 Pulled images based on image type. (For now only lineart and photos) .Weekly meetup
4 Thursday 2022/08/25 Configuring lint and working on the add datacredits page.
5 Friday 2022/08/26 Finishing up with add dataCredits page.
6 Saturday 2022/08/27 I made some notable progress with creating the add datacredits page. Specifically I was Looking at passing variable ($image_id) from template(add.ctp) to controller. This was done intentionally so that I can reference the image a user will want to add data credits info to
7 Sunday 2022/08/28 Weekend.