Eval 1

by Shivoham Angal



This is my first ever GSoC evaluation! It was a cakewalk and I didn’t feel any pressure when the evaluation was near. The evaluation itself was also very simple.

Objectives and Deliverables

# Objectives Associated Deliverables
1 :heavy_check_mark: Retired Artifacts Backend :heavy_check_mark: Fix artifact_id & new_artifact_id fields. :heavy_check_mark: Move artifact_id and retired_for to artifacts table and delete retired_artifacts table. :heavy_check_mark: Modify Artifact Update & Artifact Entities. :raised_hands: Tables should be prepared.
2 :heavy_check_mark: Retired Artifacts Functionality :heavy_check_mark: Create index page. :heavy_check_mark: Redirect users to new entry. :raised_hands: Index page for retired artifacts and redirecting should work properly.
3 :heavy_check_mark: Retired Artifacts Functionality :heavy_check_mark: Not searching among/displaying retired artifacts. :heavy_check_mark: Adding retired artifacts section to edit artifact form. :raised_hands: Section for retired artifacts in edit form and not earching among them.
4 :heavy_check_mark: Testing Retired Artifacts Implementation and writing Documentation :heavy_check_mark: Checking if the added functionality is working as expected and if a bug is found, debug it.
5 :heavy_check_mark: Export data on Entities Index :heavy_check_mark: Create export button element and display it on entity indexes. :raised_hands: The added button element should not distort the entity pages
6 :heavy_check_mark: Export data on Entities Index :heavy_check_mark: Implement the Utility class for exporting entity data. :raised_hands: The export functionality should work properly and export all the required data.

Learning and Success

I learnt to work at a faster pace than I usually do and everything has led to a constant improvement for me. I successfully completed my retired artifacts task and almost completed my entity export task. I got to learn how the export functionality works for different formats.


I had some difficulties when trying to start working on the export functionality. I did not have much idea where to start as the whole working of exports is difficult to understand. But, Lars helped me with understanding the different export fucntions as he was the one who intially made them.

Plan update

To get the export for all the formats working fully (6th objective)and make changes to the documentation, if any.