Week 12

by Shivoham Angal


Week Summary

This is the final week of my project! I’m very excited about finally finishing all of my work! The publications export pr was merged on Tuesday! Now only the Bulk Update pr is left. After someone tests by branch I can do further troubleshooting. I was quite afraid of this pr ever since I made the proposal and it looks like my fear is justified. This pr is still not merged but the last one is! By the end of this week, I felt that the amount of work left is too much to do in 2 days and also I have exams coming for the next 2 weeks; so my project was extended by 3 weeks. After this week I will resume working after 18th, or do small amounts of work in between if I find the time.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/08/29
2 Tuesday 2022/08/30 Added bibliography export section to single view drop-down, updated documentation
3 Wednesday 2022/08/31
4 Thursday 2022/09/01 Added heading and description to bulk update page, changed order of fields in modal
5 Friday 2022/09/02 Handled uncertain fields, changed “Bulk Update” button to fit the design, pre-filled form with data of first artifact
6 Saturday 2022/09/03
7 Sunday 2022/09/04