Week 1

by Aditi Singh


Week Summary

This Week, I will be focusing on creating required model files for image_annotations and seals_portal.The image_annotations will be filled with dummy data for now, which will be updated once I get the data from Lara.

I will be creating a test site to

  1. Demonstrate the working for image_annotations using OpenSeadragon Annotorious plugin
  2. Demonstrate working of graphs in seal single view.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/06/13 Contacted Jacob and Timo regarding the data and structure of the image_annotations table
2 Tuesday 2022/06/14 Created image_annotations and annotation_types table, awaiting for mentors review on structure of table
3 Wednesday 2022/06/15 Added data to image_annotations table and sent for review
4 Thursday 2022/06/16 Discussed seal chemistry data with Jacob and Nyree
5 Friday 2022/06/17 Added the seal chemistry table and data to DB Finalized the structure and image_annotations table with Timo
6 Saturday 2022/06/18 Worked on test site to show how the seal chemistry data would look tentatively
7 Sunday 2022/06/19 Created PR for all the modal files for seal portal #649