Week 5

by Aditi Singh


Week Summary

This week I will be testing the Seal Portal and implement the changes suggested.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Tuesday 2022/07/12 Demonstrated the updated site to Jacob,Started working on seal single view on CDLI framework
2 Wednesday 2022/07/13 Jacob provided me the images of featured seals, I added those to the database
3 Thursday 2022/07/14 Added scroll down to the table
4 Friday 2022/07/15 Worked on creating dynamic arrays for different surfaces of seal
5 Saturday 2022/07/16 Implemented Changes suggested by Emilie
6 Sunday 2022/07/17 Debugged why graph is invisible!
7 Monday 2022/07/18 Worked on the showing the Top n elements