Week 3

by Ajinkya


Week Summary

I had to update my feature for the edge cases.

  1. an artifact can have more than one language so had to segregate the languages into individual language and add the count to their respective filter.
  2. had to perform similar function for authors as they had the property. Then unit testing of the feature and the integrated testing of framework. After testing I had successfully implemented number of hits feature for free search. Moving onto advance search and then again performing same tests for the same

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/06/27 Edit the data structure to include grouped languages
2 Tuesday 2022/06/28 Edit the data structure to include grouped Authors
3 Wednesday 2022/06/29 Troubleshoot the errors that arise after implementing it for groups
4 Thursday 2022/06/30 Check if the buckets are implied correctly after performing other tasks such as applying filters
5 Friday 2022/07/01 Apply the same buckets for advance search
6 Saturday 2022/07/02 Troubleshoot the errors with advance search
7 Sunday 2022/07/03 Try to find a solution for other issues in Framework