Week 5

by Ajinkya


Week Summary

Search was breaking for certain strings such “HS 1475(+)” and “nam-sipa-zu”. It was actually ES having some reserved characters while using the query query_string. To use these reserved characters you need to add a “\” before every reserved character that occurs in the string that is to be searched. Hence, I had to implement a function which would do the same for all the keywords that are being searched. This PR has led to discussion of many other issues and how they could be solved.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/07/11 check why search is breaking for certain strings
2 Tuesday 2022/07/12 Find the a way to make the search work for such strings
3 Wednesday 2022/07/13 Discuss the solution with mentor and begin implementation
4 Thursday 2022/07/14 Finish implementation
5 Friday 2022/07/15 Test out if all the functions of search are working correctly with the new feature added
6 Saturday 2022/07/16 Create a PR for the feature
7 Sunday 2022/07/17 Implement the suggestions