Eval 1

by Ajinkya



GSOC evaluation was 5 minute work as I had to just answer a few questions based on my experience of first 6 weeks. Summarising the whole 6 weeks would be a difficult task as I had so much to learn and enjoy. i had worked on the following objectives and delivered them. Like all journeys mine also has had it’s fair share of ups and downs but the most satisfying part will always be the part where your PR gets merged.

Objectives and Deliverables

# Objectives Associated Deliverables
1 Show number of hits in the parenthesis Users will be able see number of hits in the parenthesis before applying a filter
2 Search Filter Problem The filters would now return the intersection of all the applied filters
3 Search breaks when searching for a certain string Search would be fixed for the strings whichwere breaking earlier
4 search children entities child, grandchild would be included in thesearch result for a parent

Learning and Success

I think these two things i.e. learning and success go hand in hand. You cannot have one without another. This has been very true in my first 6 weeks of GSOC. I have learned a lot of stuff not just about the framework but also how things work in a professional environment. These 6 weeks have taught me there is time for everything you want to achieve you just need to be focused on it. At first I was worried about how will I manage my work simultaneously with college but I have been able to do it succesfully and hope so I can do it until the end of GSOC.


Difficulty is like going on a downhill pass it keeps on decreasing as you keep on working. Things were pretty difficult for me in the first week and felt like asking my mentor as soon as I encountered any doubt but as I kept solving and debugging things I got to learn a lot and now I have more confidence that I would be able to solve most of the issues.

Plan update

I have updated my plan to do some tasks which I feel more comfortable about first so that I can save time. It would also give me more time create documentation.