Week 2

by Circle Chen


Week Summary

The focus of this week will be to continue adapting the old referencing system to the new one, as well as starting running the publication entry merging script.

Update: Now there is currently a list of files that should be completed in order for the script to be adapted. -> means the old file should be removed and changed to the new one:

All of these files now have been modified. We’ll now move on to testing.

The new entities_publications table is created by copying the content + structure from the artifacts_publications, adding a field called table_name, and setting it to “artifacts” for all rows.

TODO 2: Run the python script on the actual data to see what can be done.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/06/20 Successfully adapted the entities_publications code to the logstash JDBC statements, and indexing for entities_publications worked.
2 Tuesday 2022/06/21 Identified admin files to be modified
3 Wednesday 2022/06/22 Updated controller files and model files, view files in progress
4 Thursday 2022/06/23 Finished modifying PHP files, starting to test the website
5 Friday 2022/06/24 Tested most of the code files for the admin dashboard
6 Saturday 2022/06/25 Took a break for weekend
7 Sunday 2022/06/26 Took a break for weekend