Week 6

by Circle Chen


Week Summary

Data cleaning side:

Accomplished the task of managing the bibtex key here

The process of making “exact_reference” more specific for journal articles is planned for the future.

Also added the functionality of prefilling exact_ref.

Refactoring side:

Managed to add a “link related publications” button and discarded features that are not used anymore.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/07/18 Refactoring progress.
2 Tuesday 2022/07/19 Fixed the script to scrape away the excessive “pl.” in designation
3 Wednesday 2022/07/20 Refined the script to clean the bibtex key entries
4 Thursday 2022/07/21 Worked on documentation of entities_publication link add-edit functionality.
5 Friday 2022/07/22 Worked on prefilling exact_ref feature.
6 Saturday 2022/07/23 Weekend break
7 Sunday 2022/07/24 Weekend break