Week 7

by Circle Chen


Week Summary

Today we’ll see what we can do about proveniences that Rune just gave me. I feel like this task could be separated into 2 sides:

  1. cakePHP code side

This would require implementing the code to show related publications in proveniences page, and to show related proveniences page in publications page.

  1. Data analysis

Simply put, we need data on connections between publications and proveniences. Couldn’t just use the “second-hand” links, but we need to use the toolset in awca-ocr about pdfs to analyze contents of proveniences.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/07/25 Fixed some lingering issues with previous pull requests that are blocking merge
2 Tuesday 2022/07/26 Started on issues about showing proveniences and publications associations.
3 Wednesday 2022/07/27 Finished working on the publications side but proveniences side is broken, kind of.
4 Thursday 2022/07/28 Progress on create-update-delete of publication-proveniences.
5 Friday 2022/07/29 Publication-Provenience CRUD ready for testing.
6 Saturday 2022/07/30 Break
7 Sunday 2022/07/31 Break