Week 10

by Circle Chen


Week Summary

We should get started with single publication file submission at this point. However I am currently kind of stuck on how we proceed. I don’t know how to properly extract the data of a file from its form.

The next steps:

  1. Figure out how to extract file from the form. (DONE)

  2. Setup a docker container that takes in pdf file and parses it with python scripts. (IN PROGRESS)

  3. Make cakePHP application invoke that container and retrieve the result (cURL?)

  4. Display the “suggestions” to the user.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2022/08/15 Away to band training, not a lot of work done.
2 Tuesday 2022/08/16 Away to band training, not a lot of work done.
3 Wednesday 2022/08/17 Started working on single publication file submission.
4 Thursday 2022/08/18 Fixed not being able to access uploaded file in cakePHP. Initial Script work.
5 Friday 2022/08/19 Made the uploaded files shared across containers. Ran into issues with dependency.
6 Saturday 2022/08/20 Working on dependency issues.
7 Sunday 2022/08/21 Published converter python file. Working on dependency & scripting issues.