Week 3

by Mohit Sharma


Week Summary

Setup google Tag manager (Add custom tags and properties) and configure google analytics (Add new Non Javascript Property) to track non javascipt users.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/06/21 Improve Paginator as discussed in Design Meet
2 Tuesday 2021/06/22 Research on Google Analytics
3 Wednesday 2021/06/23 Research on Google Tag Manager
4 Thursday 2021/06/24 Configure Google Tag Manager in the framework
5 Friday 2021/06/25 Add Custom Tags in Google tag Manager to track Non Javascript Users
6 Saturday 2021/06/26 Add new property in Google Analytics to filtering Non Javascript Users
7 Sunday 2021/06/27 Testing, Implementing additional suggested changes and Weekly Design meet