Week 8

by Mohit Sharma


Week Summary

Implement regex validation in Artifact ID field, Make dockerfile for Pa11y-CI using buildkite/puppeteer image.

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/08/02 Make dockerfile for Pa11y-CI
2 Tuesday 2021/08/03 Implement Regex Validation in Artifact ID Feild (Add and Edit Posting Page)
3 Wednesday 2021/08/04 Install Chromium in dev_cake container to run Accessibility Tests
4 Thursday 2021/08/05 Update Posting Controller to trim P letter from Artifact ID Fix Add Posting Error Change Lang field (Add and Edit Posting Page) to dropdown
5 Friday 2021/08/06 Add Author picker for Add and Edit Staff Page
6 Saturday 2021/08/07
7 Sunday 2021/08/08 Testing, Implementing additional suggested changes and Weekly Design meet