Week 10

by Mohit Sharma


Week Summary

Update cdlitest script by adding flags for specific tests and add code to run accessibility tests locally. Add accessibility in GIT HOOKS as an alternative to pipelines. Write documentation for using Accessibility Tests

Daily Work Update

# Day Date A short description of the work done
1 Monday 2021/07/12 Write script to run accessibility tests locally
2 Tuesday 2021/07/13 Add flags to script to run specific tests
3 Wednesday 2021/07/14 Meet with Nisheal and discussed about using GIT HOOKS for testing accessibility tests
4 Thursday 2021/07/15 Test the script to run accessibility tests with GIT HOOKS
5 Friday 2021/07/16 Write documentation for using Accessibility Tests, Weekly CDLI meet
6 Saturday 2021/07/17 Try to fix build pipelines
7 Sunday 2021/07/18 Weekly Design Meet, do changes in pr suggested by mentors