
Aleppo National Museum

The Aleppo Museum contains an important collection of items from many periods, with a strong emphasis on Iron Age and the classical period, but including many items from the Late Bronze. It contains a small selection of some of the 20,000 or more early second millennium cuneiform tablets found at Mari.

The middle section of the rear hall is dedicated to two northern sites, Tell Hajib and Arslan Tash. The third section displays finds from Tell Ahmar, excavated by the French in the 1920s. The large gallery that runs along the third side of the building is used to house finds from several sites, including Ebla and Ain Dara. The second floor contains numerous artifacts found during the major excavations carried out by multi-national expeditions in the flooded region of Lake Assad on the Euphrates.

Click here for a selection of several recently digitized Ur III (ca. 2000 BC) tablets in the Aleppo collection.


   Tablets in the Aleppo National Museum,
      by period:

      Ebla (ca. 2400-2350 BC)
      Old Akkadian (ca. 2350-2200 BC)
      Ur III period (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
      Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1800 BC)
      Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC)
      Middle Assyrian (ca. 1400-1000 BC)

   Tablets in the Aleppo National Museum,
      by text genre:

      Administrative texts
      Literary texts
      Legal texts
      Lexical texts
      Royal/Monumental texts

   Tablets in Aleppo National Museum,
      by site:

      Djebel Arouda
      Tell Ahmar / Til Barsip
      Tell Bazi / Baṣiru
      Tell Brak / Nagar
      Tell Chagar Bazar / Ashnakkum
      Tell Chioukh Faouqani / Burmarina
      Tell el-Qitar / Til Abnu
      Tell Fray
      Tell Hadidi / Azu
      Tell Hariri / Mari
      Tell Mardikh / Ebla
      Tell Mishrife / Qatna
      Tell Meskene / Emar
      Ras Shamra / Ugarit
      Umm el-Marra

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