نظرة عامة حول مجموعات الرقم المسمارية في سورية



Archaeological Site Rough number of documents Museums
Djebel Aruda 13 Aleppo
Hammam et-Turkman 4 Raqqa
Habuba-Kabira Deir ez-Zor
Neirab 12 Aleppo
Ras Ibn Hani 100 Damascus
Ras Shamra / Ugarit 1,800 Damascus, Aleppo, Lattaquia
Tell Ahmar / Til Barsip 30 Aleppo
Tell al-Hamidiye / Ta'idum? Deir ez-Zor
Tell Ashara / Terqa 550 Deir ez-Zor
Tell Barri / Kahat 100 Deir ez-Zor
Tell Bazi / Baṣiru 2 Aleppo
Tell Bderi 40 Deir ez-Zor
Tell Beydar / Nabada * 220 Deir ez-Zor
Tell Bi'a / Tuttul * 300 Raqqa
Tell Brak / Nagar 100 Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor
Tell Chagar Bazar / Ašnakkum 310 Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor
Tell Cheikh Hamad / Dur Katlimmu 500 Deir ez-Zor
Tell Chioukh Faouqani / Burmarina 150 Aleppo
Tell Chuera / Harbu 80 Raqqa
Tell Fekheriye Aleppo
Tell Fray / Hakkulân? 7 Aleppo
Tell Hadidi / Azu 15 Aleppo
Tell Hariri / Mari (old excavations) 13,000 Aleppo, Damascus, Deir ez-Zor
Tell Hariri / Mari (excav. since 1998) 3,000 Damascus
Tell Kazel / Sumur 2 Tartous
Tell Leilan / Šehna—Šubat-Enlil 700 Deir ez-Zor
Tell Mardikh / Ebla 8,000 Idlib, Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor
Tell Masaikh Deir ez-Zor
Tell Meskéné / Emar 640 Aleppo
Tell Mishrifé / Qatna 100 Homs, Damascus
Tell Mozan / Urkeš Deir ez-Zor
Tell Munbaqa / Ekalte 60 Raqqa
Tell el-Qitar / Til Abnu 3 Aleppo
Tell Sabi Abyad 300 Raqqa, Damascus
Tell Sakka 1 Damascus
Tell Siyanu 2 Damascus
Tell Taban / Tabatum 500 Damascus
Umm el-Marra / Ṭuba(n)? 1 Aleppo
Umma and Drehem (Sumer, Ur III) * 730 Aleppo
TOTAL ± 30,000

* Texts completely available in the SDLC website


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 النصوص المسمارية المنشورة

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