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Larsa Sumuel
1 mu su-mu-el3 lugal Year Sumuel (became) king
2 mu su-mu-el3 lugal-e alan ku3-babbar e2-{d}utu-sze3 i-ni-in-ku4-re Year Sumuel the king brought a statue in silver into the temple of Utu
3 mu ur-mah urudu 2-a-bi ka2 mah bar-ra {d}inanna-sze3 i-ni-in-ku4-re / hu-mu-du3 / hu-mu-gub Year (Sumuel) had 2 lions in copper made for the magnificent outer gate of Inanna
4 mu a-ku-us{ki} ba-hul u3 ugnim ka-zal-lu{ki} {gisz}tukul ba-dab5 / ba-sig3 Year Akusum was destroyed and the army of Kazallu was smitten by weapons
5 mu ugnim unug{ki}-ga {gisz}tukul ba-an-dab5 Year the army of Uruk was smitten by weapons
6 mu su-mu-el3 lugal en-{d}utu ba-hun-ga2 e2-{d}utu-sze3 mu-na-ku4 Year Sumuel the king after having installed (Enmeteanki as) the en-priestess of Utu brought her into the temple of Utu
7 mu id2-lugal-{d}en.zu-na / id2-szarrum-{d}sin-na ba-ba-al Year the canal (called) 'Lugal-Sin / Szarrum-Sin / Sin is king' was dug
8 mu uru-ka-id2-da / uru-pi4-na-ra-tim / al-pi4-na-ra-tim ba-an-hul Year the city of 'Pi-naratim / Mouth of the rivers' was destroyed
9 mu us2-sa uru-ka-id2-da / uru-pi4-na-ra-tim ba-hul Year after the year the city of 'Pi-naratim / Mouth of the rivers' was destroyed
10 mu uru sa-bu-um{ki} uru-tur-tur{ki} gu2 id2-buranun-na ba-an-dab5-dab5 Year the city of Sabum and the small villages on the bank of the Euphrates were seized
11 mu ugnim kisz{ki} {gisz}tukul ba-an-dab5 / ba-an-sig3 Year the army of Kisz was smitten by weapons
12 mu us2-sa ugnim kisz{ki} {gisz}tukul ba-an-dab5 / ba-an-sig3 Year after the year the army of Kisz was smitten by weapons
13 mu us2-sa-a-bi ugnim kisz{ki} {gisz}tukul ba-an-dab5 / ba-an-sig3 Second year after the year the army of Kisz was smitten by weapons
14 mu us2-sa 4-bi ugnim kisz{ki} {gisz}tukul ba-sig3 Third year after the year the army of Kisz was smitten by weapons
15 mu su-mu-el3 ugnim ka-zal-lu{ki} lugal-bi {gisz}tukul ba-sig3 Year Sumuel the king defeated with his weapons the army of Kazallu and his king
16 mu su-mu-el3 e2-duru5 nanna-i3-sza6{ki} ba-an-dab5 Year Sumuel seized the town / hamlet of 'Nanna-isza / Nanna is favorable'
17 mu us2-sa su-mu-el3 e2-duru5 nanna-i3-sza6{ki} ba-an-dab5 Year after the year Sumuel seized the town / the hamlet of 'Nanna-isa / Nanna is favorable'
18 mu us2-sa-a-bi su-mu-el3 e2-duru5 nanna-i3-sza6{ki} ba-an-dab5 Second year after the year Sumuel seized the town / the hamlet of 'Nanna-isa / Nanna is favorable'
19 mu us2-sa 4-bi su-mu-el3 e2-duru5 nanna-i3-sza6{ki} ba-an-dab5 Third year after the year Sumuel seized the town / the hamlet of 'Nanna-isa / Nanna is favorable'
20 mu id2-buranun-na ba-an-keszda2 / ba-si-i-gi-a Year in which the Euphrates was dammed / filled
21 mu us2-sa id2-buranun-na ba-an-keszda2 / ba-si-i-gi-a Year after the year in which the Euphrates was dammed / filled
22 mu us2-sa-a-bi id2-buranun-na ba-an-keszda2 / ba-si-i-gi-a Second year after the year in which the Euphrates was dammed / filled
23 mu en-{d}nanna en-sza3-ki-ag2-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2 Year in which Enszakiag-Nanna / the 'en-priestess that Nanna loves in his heart', the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
24 mu us2-sa en-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2 Year after the year in which the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
25 mu us2-sa 3-kam en-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2-a Second year after the year in which the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
26 mu us2-sa 4-kam en-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2-a Third year after the year in which the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
27 mu us2-sa 5-kam en-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2-a Fourth year after the year in which the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
28 mu us2-sa 6-kam en-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2-a Fith year after the year in which the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
29 mu us2-sa 7-kam en-{d}nanna ba-hun-ga2-a Sixth year after the year in which the en-priestess of Nanna was installed
a mu umma{ki} ba-hul Year Umma was destroyed (tablet W. Lambert)