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Uruk OB King unknown
a mu bad3 gal dur{ki}-ma-tim ba-du3 Year the great city wall of Dur-matim was built (BaM 2, 1963 9 6)
b mu {urudu}gu4-pirig mah min-a-bi / 2-a-bi Year 2 magnificent aurochs in copper (BaM 2, 1963 11 13)
d mu hi-ri-tum da id2-da ba-ba-al Year the ditch of the river (Euphrates) was dug (BaM 2, 1963 11 15)
e mu dingir-lamma sza3-zi Year protective deities giving life (BaM 2, 1963 11 18)
f mu 2 {gisz}gu-za zag-be2-us2 ku3-sig17 szu-du7-a Year 2 armchairs adorned with gold (cf Nur-Adad 2)
g mu gur7 an-na {d}inanna u3 {d}na-na-a inim mu-gi-na Year the (account of the) granary of An, Inanna and Nanaia was put in order