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Diyala: Esznunna, Tell Asmar Warassa
aa mu warad-sa3 ensi2 esz2-nun-na{ki} {gisz}gu-za bi-dab5-a / i3-dab5 Year in which Warassa the governor of Esznunna seized the throne (OIP 43 107)
ab szattum sza warad-sa3 {gisz}gu-za isy-ba-tu Year in which Warassa (the governor of Esznunna) seized the throne (from Tutub)
b mu {gisz}ig dib2-ba 2-a-ba zu2 am-si ku3-ga {d}tiszpak-ka ba-dim2 Year a pair of doors fitted with ivory and metal was made for Tiszpak (OIP 43 108)
c mu {gisz}szu-nir warad-sa3 {d}tiszpak-ka ba-dim2 Year Warassa made an emblem for Tiszpak (OIP 43 109)
d mu tu-tu-ub{ki} ki ba-a-gar Year Tutub was restored (OIP 43 198)
e szanat i-szur{ki} warad-sa3 isy-ba-tu Year in which Warassa seized Iszur (JCS 9 47 22)
f szanat {urudu}syalman sya-i-dam bit {d}en.zu u2-sze-ri-bu Year in which he brought a ruddy copper statue into the temple of Sin (OIP 43 195)