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Diyala: Nerebtum, Ichcali Naram-Sin
2 mu ma-da asz-na-kum u3 tar-ni-ip{ki} ba-an-dab5 Year the land of Asznakkum and the city of Tarnip were seized (Greengus, Iszali 33 n. 49)
3b mu na-ra-am-{d}en.zu ka-ku-la-tim isy-ba-tu / ba-an-dab5 Year Naram-Sin seized Kakkulatum (Greengus, Iszali 33 n. 50)
4 mu us2-sa ka-ku-la-tim isy-ba-tu Year after the year in which (Naram-Sin) seized Kakkulatum (Greengus, Iszali 33 n. 51)
11a mu 2 alan ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar {d}na-ra-am-{d}en.zu {d}nin-a-zu ba-an-ku4 Year Naram-Sin brought in the temple of Nin-azu two statues of himself in gold and silver (Sumer 34 64)