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Diyala: Tutub, Khafaje Abdi-Erah
1a mu ab-di-e-ra-ah Year Abdi-erah (became king) (JCS 9 47 13)
1b mu ab-di-e-ra-ah {gisz}gu-za in-dab5 Year Abdi-erah seized the throne (RA 72 26)
2 mu us2-sa ab-di-a-ra-ah {gisz}gu-za in-dab5 Year after the year Abdi-erah seized the throne (RA 72 26b)
aa szanat ab-di-e-ra-ah {d}mar-tu-i3-li2 ri-di-szu i-pu-szu Year in which Abdi-erah made Amurru-ili his successor (OIP 43 187)
ab szanat ab-di-e-ra-ah {d}mar-tu i3-li2 re-szi!?(di)-szu i-pu-szu Year in which Abdi-erah fashioned a statue of Amurru the god, his helper (based on a different sumerian reading) (OIP 43 187)