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Isin Ur-Ninurta
1 mu {d}ur-{d}nin-urta lugal Year Ur-Ninurta (became) king
a mu dumu nibru{ki} {d}en-lil2 u4-da-ri2-sze3 szu in-na-an-bar la'u3 gu2-un gu2-ba bi2-il2-la-a mu-un-du8 Year (Ur-Ninurta) set for Enlil free (of forced labour) for ever the citizens of Nippur and released (the arrears of) the taxes which they were bearing on their necks
b mu bad3 im-gur-{d}en-lil2 mu-du3 Year (Ur-Ninurta) built the wall of 'Imgur-Enlil / beloved of Enlil' / Dur-imgur-Enlil
c mu us2-sa bad3 im-gur-{d}en-lil2 mu-du3 Year after the year (Ur-Ninurta) built the wall of 'Imgur-Enlil / beloved of Enlil' / Dur-imgur-Enlil
d mu us2-sa bad3 im-gur-{d}en-lil2 mu-du3 mu us2-sa-a-bi Second year after the year (Ur-Ninurta) built the wall of 'Imgur-Enlil / beloved of Enlil' / Dur-imgur-Enlil
e mu 4-kam bad3 im-gur-{d}en-lil2 mu-du3 Fourth year that (Ur-Ninurta) built the wall of 'Imgur-Enlil / beloved of Enlil' / Dur-imgur-Enlil
f mu {d}en-lil2-me-sza4 {gisz}szu-nir gal {d}en-lil2-ra mu-na-dim2 Year (Ur-Ninurta) made for Enlil a great emblem (called) 'Enlil-mesza'
g mu a-sza3 a-gar3 gal-gal a-ta im-ta-an-e11 Year (Ur-Ninurta) recovered from the water (marshes) large (areas of) fields and arable land
h mu us2-sa a-sza3 a-gar3 gal-gal a-ta im-ta-an-e11 Year after the year (Ur-Ninurta) recovered from the water (marshes) large (areas of) fields and arable land
i mu us2-sa a-sza3 a-gar3 gal-gal a-ta im-ta-an-e11 mu us2-sa-a-bi Second year after the year (Ur-Ninurta) recovered from the water (marshes) large (areas of) fields and arable land
j mu {d}ur-{d}nin-urta lugal-e {gisz}gu-za zag-be2-us2 ku3-sig17 {d}[] ... ab? ... zalag-ga-ra mu-ne-dim2 Year Ur-Ninurta the king made an armchair in gold for the god ...
k mu {d}ur-{d}nin-urta zabalam Year Ur-Ninurta (in) Zabalam
l mu {d}ur-{d}nin-urta lugal-e en-{d}en-lil2 nibru{ki} ... ...-bi da-ri2-sze3 ... di-ma Year Ur-Ninurta the king (installed) the en-priestess of Enlil in Nippur and for ever ...
m mu us2-sa {d}ur-{d}nin-urta lugal-e en-{d}en-lil2 nibru{ki} ... ...-bi da-ri2-sze3 ... di-ma Year after the year Ur-Ninurta the king (installed) the en-priestess of Enlil in Nippur and for ever ...
n mu us2-sa {d}ur-{d}nin-urta lugal-e en-{d}en-lil2 nibru{ki} ... ...-bi da-ri2-sze3 ... di-ma mu us2-sa-a-bi Second year after the year Ur-Ninurta the king (installed) the en-priestess of Enlil in Nippur and for ever ...