An initiative dedicated to further the standardisation of metadata entities and associated vocabularies in cuneiform studies.
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Manuel Molina (BDTNS), Wiebke Meinhold (Keibi), Georg Neumann (Keibi), Michaela Weszeli (Register Assyriologie), Adam Anderson (dubsar)
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The publication entity defines the features of any publication of a cuneiform artifact, which may act as a type of primary source publication. Secondary source references to cuneiform tablets, such as sign readings, translations, etc. will be dealt with in the Bibliography Reference Markdown. As included in digital catalogues in cuneiform studies, the publications feature consists of a standardized citation which typically includes: author, title, date, and other publication information for an artifact with a cuneiform inscription. For an example of these standardized citations found in bibliography publication entities as employed in digital catalogues in cuneiform studies, see the CDLI and the Keilschrift Bibliographie.
As a publication may contain multiple entity types, we utilize the fields from Dublin Core and MARC standards. A publication should always include an author of the work, along with a title and year in which the work was published.
name | description |
author | Last name, First name and/or initials (L, F) of the author of the publication |
title | title information (which includes the title, subtitle, and other title information) of the publication |
publication | publication information (which includes the title of the journal or book series) |
publisher | name of the insitution or company who published the work |
series | numeric series statement for book series if appropriate |
vol | volume number if appropriate |
issue | issue number if appropriate |
pages | page numbers cited if appropriate (which may include chapter number, plate number, etc.) |
add_PN | additional personal name entry (e.g. joint author, editor, or illustrator) |
year | year (YYYY) of the publication |
place | place of publication |
lang | language (ISO) or languages of the publication |
Example publication field: name | value —–|————— author | Abusch, Tzvi title | Notes on a Pair of Matching Texts: A Shepherd’s Bulla and an Owner’s Receipt publication | In Honor of Ernest R. Lacheman on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 29, 1981 publisher | Eisenbrauns series | SCCNH vol | 1 issue | Not applicable pages | 1-9 add_PN | Not applicable year | 1981 place | Winona Lake lang | en
Linking the publication record to a corresponding wikidata identifier will also establish a link to all associated identifiers included by WikiData. As such, a WikiData identifier will usually link to corresponding identifiers from Wikipedia, Wikisources, Wikibooks, etc.
name | description |
wikidata | Identifiers for the corresponding wikidata item (Q-id), property (P-id), or lexeme (L-id) |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the specific web page where the referenced content can be found |
ISBN | International Standard Book Number (ISBN) |
DOI | Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the publication |
ORCID | Unique identifier for authors (ORCID) |
LCCN | Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) |
subj | topical subject heading |
edition | edition number, if not the first edition |
month | month of publication for journal articles |
note | annotation or summary note |
For an updated index of Assyriology abbreviations used in citing primary publications of cuneiform texts, see the Abbreviations for Assyriology
For examples of citations for publication types, see Wikipedia Citing Sources
For citation formatting, see Wikipedia Manual of Style
For a list of metadata terms in Dublin Core, see DCMI Metadata Terms
For a general introduction to MARC, see What is a MARC record and why is it important?