Vocabularies Consortium

An initiative dedicated to further the standardisation of metadata entities and associated vocabularies in cuneiform studies.

View the Project on GitHub cdli-gh/glow_vocabularies





Geography Working Group
Rune Rattenborg, Sebastian Borkowski, Manuel Molina, Jamie Novotny, Susanne Rutishauser


The name entity defines the lexical version of any accepted geographical proper noun. A name will typically be associated with a place, which may in turn be associated with a location.

This entity largely follows the formal outline of the name entity type employed by the Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places repository. Note that this includes historical as well as modern names.

The stable URI format for name records in Pleiades are described in more detail in the Pleiades documentation. Here, name URIs are subordinated to a single parent place record.

In the Wikidata ontology, a name may be an instance of Q82799 name, or a subordinate name with language specification, e.g. Q624240 Arabic name.

name description
transc_name Transcription of the name
transc_ref System of transcription used

Optional fields
