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Kisurra Manabaltiel
a mu ma-na-ba-al-te-el lugal-e Year Manabalti-el (became) king (FAOS 2 23a, BM 28469)
b mu us2-sa ma-na-ba-al-te-el lugal Year after the year Manabalti-el (became) king (FAOS 2 23b, BM 29 132)
c mu e2-{d}nin-urta ma-na-ba-al-ti-el mu-na-du3 / mu-na-dim2 Year Manabalti-el built the temple of Ninurta (FAOS 2 23c)
da mu {gisz}szu-nir ku3-sig17 e2-{d}nin-urta Year a golden emblem for the temple of Ninurta (FAOS 2 27i, CT 48 88)
db mu {gisz}szu-nir {d}nin-urta ma-na-ba-al-ti-el mu-na-du3 Year Manabalti-el made an emblem for (the temple of) Ninurta (FAOS 2 27 22i; BM 85337)
e mu {gisz}gu-za zag-be2-us2 3-a-bi {d}en-lil2 {d}nin-urta {d}nin-nibru{ki} ma-na-ba-al-te-el mu-na-dim2 Year Manabalti-el made three armchairs for Enlil, Ninurta, and Nin-Nibru (FAOS 2 23f)
f mu us2-sa 3 {gisz}gu-za zag-be2-us2 ma-na-ba-al-te-el mu-dim2 Year after the year Manabalti-el made three armchairs (FAOS 2 23e)
g mu ur-{d}nin-urta ba-ug7 Year Ur-Ninurta died (FAOS 2 26g, BM 29215)
h mu ka id2-da-i3-si-in-ra ba-an-keszda2 Year the mouth of the canal of Isin (Idda-igarra) was dammed (FAOS 2 24 Ag)
i mu us2-sa ka id2-i3-si-in-ra ba-an-keszda2 Year after the year the mouth of the canal of Isin was dammed (BM 85370)
ja mu e mah a-ab-ba id2-ku3-{d}en-lil2-la2 ba-an-dun Year (Manabalti-el) dug a magnificent irrigation ditch, (towards) the sea, (called) 'pure canal of Enlil' (FAOS 2 25 , 21 Ba)
jb mu e mah igi ab-ba-sze3? id2-ku3-{d}en-lil2-la2 Year (Manabalti-el dug) a magnificent irrigation ditch, towards the sea, (called) 'pure canal of Enlil' (FAOS 2 26)
jc mu id2-ku3-{d}en-lil2-la2 ba-ba-al Year (a canal called) 'pure canal of Enlil' was dug (FAOS 2 22 4)