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Mari Yahdun-Lim
a mu ia-ah-du-li-im pa-hu-da-ar{ki} isy-ba-tu-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim seized Pahudar
b mu ia-ah-du-li-im za-al-pa-ah{ki} isy-ba-tu u3 sze-a-am sza a-ba-tim{ki} iq-lu-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim seized Zalpah and put on fire the grain of Abattum
c mu ia-ah-du-li-im da-wi-da-am sza dumu-mesz ia-mi-na u3 i-ma-ar{ki} i-na ka2 a-ba-at-tim{ki} i-du-ku-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim was victorious against the Yamanites and against Imar at the gate of Abattum
d mu ia-ah-du-li-im da-wi-da-am sza sya-ab ... i-na ter-qa{ki} i-du-ku Year in which Yahdun-Lim was victorious against the troops of ... in Terqa
e mu ia-ah-du-li-im a-na he-en{ki} il-li-ku-ma u3 na-wa-am sza dumu-mesz ia-mi-na a-na qa-ti-szu i-di3-in Year in which Yahdun-Lim went to Hen and delivered to his hand the steppe of the Yaminites
f mu ia-ah-du-li-im e-bu-ur ma-at sa-am-si-{d}im u2-qa-al-lu-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim set on fire the harvest of the land of Samsi-Addu
g mu ia-ah-du-li-im da-am7-da-am sza dumu-mesz ia-mi-na u3 ... i-na ka2 tu-tu-ul{ki} i-du-ku Year in which Yahdun-Lim was victorious against the Yaminites and ... at the gate of Tutul
h mu 1-kam ia-ah-du-li-im da-wi-da-am sza dumu-mesz ia-mi-in i-du-ku Year in which Yahdun-Lim was victorious against the Yaminites
i mu 1-kam e2-{d}utu ia-ah-du-li-im ba-du3 Year in which Yahdun-Lim built the temple of Szamasz
j mu 2-kam e2-{d}utu ia-ah-du-li-im ba-du3 Second year in which Yahdun-Lim built the temple of Szamasz
k mu ia-ah-du-li-im da-wi-da-am sza sya-ab sa-am-si-{d}im i-na ka2 na-ga-ar{ki} i-du-ku Year in which Yahdun-Lim was victorious against the army of Samsi-Addu at the gate of Nagar
l mu ia-ah-du-li-im id2-pu-zu-ra-an ip-tu-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim opened the canal of Puzurran
m mu ia-ah-du-li-im a-na ma-at e2-gal-ha2 i-li-ku Year in which Yahdun-Lim went to the land of Ekallatum
n mu ia-ah-du-li-im bad3 ma-ri{ki} u3 ter-qa{ki} ib-nu-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim built the city walls of Mari and Terqa
o mu ia-ah-du-li-im id2-da hu-bu-ur ip-tu-u2 Year in which Yahdun-Lim opened the canal Hubur