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Diyala: Esznunna, Tell Asmar Bilalama
a mu bi-la-la-ma ensi2 asz2-nun-na{ki} e2-sikil {d}tiszpak ba-du3 Year Bilalama the governor of Esznunna built the Esikil, (the temple) of Tiszpak (OIP 43 177)
b mu mar-tu a-sza3 i-bi-{d}en.zu ba-ab-ra Year the amorites of / in the field of Ibbi-Sin were smitten (OIP 43 175)
c mu mar-tu i-szur{ki} ba-gaz Year the amorites of Iszur were defeated / killed (OIP 43 177)
d mu mar-tu bala i-szur{ki} bi-la-la-ma-ra mu-na-an-sum Year the amorites entrusted the rule of Iszur to Bilalama (OIP 43 178)
e mu mar-tu ka2-{d}i-ba-um-ma sag ba-gaz Year the amorites of Ka-Ibaum were defeated / killed (OIP 43 178)
f mu us2-sa mar-tu ka2-{d}i-ba-um-ma sag ba-gaz Year after the year the amorites of Ka-Ibaum were defeated / killed (OIP 43 178)
g mu us2-sa mar-tu ka2-{d}i-ba-um-ma sag ba-gaz mu us2-sa-bi Second year after the year the amorites of Ka-Ibaum were defeated / killed (OIP 43 178)
h mu bi-la-la-ma ensi2 asz2-nun{ki} sag-du mar-tu szu tibir2-ra / bur2-ra bi2-in-ra Year Bilalama the governor of Esznunna smote the head of the amorites with the fist / in one stroke (OIP 43 180)
i mu mar-tu gu2 in-gar Year he submitted the amorites (OIP 43 182 81)
j mu bad3-bar{ki} ka2-{d}i-ba-um ba-du3 Year the outer wall of Ka-Ibaum was built (OIP 43 179)
k mu na-bi-{d}tiszpak ba-du3 Year (the canal) Nabi-Tiszpak was done / dug (OIP 43 177)
l mu alan e2-du3-a ba-dim2 Year a statue (of the governor) building the temple was made / Year a statue (commemorating the) building of the temple was made (OIP 43 177)
m mu 1-kam {gisz}tukul kalag-ga ba-an-ku4 / ba-an-dab5 Year (Bilalama the governor of Esznunna) brought in / seized the strong weapon (Baqir 1)
n mu alan{na4} 2 ba-dim2 Year the 2 stone statues were made (OIP 43 181, 184)