by Aradhana Kund



Hello everyone, I’m Aradhana Kund, participating in Google Summer of Code 2021 with CDLI. I’ve been accepted for the project DESIGN CHALLENGE. This project focuses on re-unify the design so as to facilitate more interaction between the user and the website. This project aims to improve the complete styling of the website using minimal space and complexity. Also, it aims to improve the designing of certain parts of the website to improve the User Interface. Ultimately, this project aims to add in important pages and improve the frontend, UI-UX of existing pages with proper accessibility to all kind of users . Project: GSoC’21 My GSoC’21 Proposal: Link Contributions to CDLI: Link

Mentor: Émilie Pagé-Perron , David Wong , Amaan Iqbal

Objectives and Deliverables

:heavy_check_mark: –> Completed Tasks :man_technologist: –> Ongoing Tasks

# Status Objectives Associated Deliverables issue(s)
1 :heavy_check_mark: Redesigning and Implementing the periods page Implementing periods page for web/tab/mobile view #251
2 :heavy_check_mark: Implementing Admin Dashboard Implementing web/tab/mobile view of admin dashboard #75
3 :heavy_check_mark: Resources Page Implementing web/tab/mobile view of Resources Page #209
4 :heavy_check_mark: Add functiionality for no-js and footer styling Making dropdowns work for no-js and fixing footer discrepancies. #214
5 :heavy_check_mark: Accordion styling and accessibility fix. The old accordions have enhanced styling and accessibility for js as well as no-js users. #660
6 :heavy_check_mark: About Us Implementing web/tab/mobile view of About us. #591
7 :heavy_check_mark: Error Page Improvise and Implement the Error Page #334
8 :heavy_check_mark: Single Artifact View Improvise the Single Artifact View #517

Additional Objectives

# Status Objectives Associated Deliverables issue(s)
1 :man_technologist: Expanded search results Improvise the expanded search results page #238
2 Modify the common template Improvise the common template for view/add/edit/index pages of the entities #601,#602
3 :man_technologist: Raw Image Scan Implementing Raw Image Scan for admin dashboard along with edge and artifact no. pre population

Tentative timeline

Week Status Objectives Deliverables
1 :heavy_check_mark: Periods Page and Drafted design of admin dashboard Redesign and implement the periods page for web/tab/mobile view and implement drafted design of admin dashboard
2 :heavy_check_mark: Admin Dashboard Implement the skeleton of admin dashboard with all its functionalities depending on access.
3 :heavy_check_mark: Admin Dashboard Mobile view and Upload Part Implement the uploads part of admin dashboard and the web/tab/mobile view of admin dashboard .
4 :heavy_check_mark: First draft of Raw Image Scan and removing admin dashboard pr discrepancies Implement the raw image scan part of admin dashboard and its web view with steepper and dropzone as well as removing admin dashboard pr discrepancies
5 :heavy_check_mark: 404 Page , About Us Page, footer style fix and Resources Header Dropdown Implement the final skeleton for Resources Page Dropdown for js and no js users along with the pre population of raw image scan artifacat number and Edge.
6 :heavy_check_mark: Header fix for no-js, side nav fix and resource page Implementation Making dropdowns work for no-js and fixing footer discrepancies. Also preparing skeleton for resource page(js)
7 :heavy_check_mark: Accordions Accessibility and design improve Made the accordions pretty and accessible for js and no-js , also prepared documentation of periods page and browse page.
8 :heavy_check_mark: Single Artifact UI and About us timeline Implemented the Single Artifact UI and prepared web and mobile view of about us timeline.
9 :heavy_check_mark: Single artifact view UI improvisations and data rendering Work on improving the single artifact view according to the design and rendered data according to pr description.
10 :heavy_check_mark: Improvise the expanded search results page and removed single artifact pr discrepancies Completed preparing web view of expanded search results and removed single artifact pr discrepancies.
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Week 1

by Aradhana Kund

Week 2

by Aradhana Kund

Week 3

by Aradhana Kund

Week 4

by Aradhana Kund

Week 5

by Aradhana Kund

First Evaluation

by Aradhana Kund

Week 6

by Aradhana Kund

Week 7

by Aradhana Kund

Week 8

by Aradhana Kund

Week 9

by Aradhana Kund

Week 10

by Aradhana Kund

Second Evaluation

by Aradhana Kund